College View Academy

Cultivating hearts and minds; harvesting character.

Tori Henton


Pastor Tori Henton 

Pastor Tori Henton is our high school religion teacher and campus chaplain.  She and her husband Pastor Mic Henton, (youth pastor at College View SDA Church) love to minister together in the areas of youth, young adults and families.  She is also mother to two amazing kids, Eden and Shepherd.  Tori has a BS in Secondary Religious Education from Union College and is receiving a Masters of Pastoral Ministry from Andrews University.  Tori is an extrovert, has a passion for Jesus, making connections with people, and a love for her family, animals and equestrian sports!  She is excited to be a part of making CVA a place where students can encounter and develop a relationship with Jesus!

Want to know a little bit more about Tori... keep reading.

  • What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given?  to put God first, then family, then ministry…
  • Complete this sentence- If I could invent a holiday, it would definitely involve: something where all the people I love, close friends, family, etc. all had to get together eat, and have fun!  I really just want to live in a commune 
  • My favorite word in the English language is: “I AM” (I know that is not one word, but I LOVE the power and purpose it places behind my relationships with God)
  • What's the most inspiring part of your job? making connections with students and staff
  • If I was a superhero, my superpower would be: definitely flying
  • If you were a pasta shape, what would you be and why? ravioli- I think I get misunderstood a lot, people perceive my exterior differently (at first) then what is actually inside.
  • What is the most important thing you learned in high school? two-fold answer: 1) to know and love Jesus 2) how to write a paper (doesn’t seem important then, but wow… it has come in handy!)

Title: Chaplain; Religion, Health/Independent Living

Contact Information

Phone: 402-483-1181 ext. 119

"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."  Proverbs 4:23